Wendelien van Oldenborgh
Wendelien van Oldenborgh is based in Rotterdam. She has recently been awarded the prestigious Dr AH Heineken Prize for Art and is currently spending a year in Berlin on a DAAD residency. Selected recent exhibitions include: Confessions of the Imperfect, 1848 – 1989 – Today, Van Abbemuseum, 2014; Dead Reckoning: Whorled Explorations, Kochi-Muziris Biennial, curated by Jitish Kallat, 2014; 12th Bienal de Cuenca, Ecuador, curated by Jacopo Crivelli Visconti and Manuela Moscoso, 2014; Art turning Left: How Values Changed Making-1789-2013, curated by Franscesco Manacorda, Tate Liverpool, 2014; 54th Venice Biennial, 2011; 4th Moscow Biennial, 2011; 29th São Paulo Biennial, 2010; 11th Istanbul Biennial, 2009; and Berlinale Forum Expanded, 2011, 2013 and 2015. She has exhibited widely, including at the Generali Foundation, Vienna; the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Museum Sztuki, Lodz; Tranzitdisplay, Prague; Casco, Utrecht; and M HKA, Antwerp.

Wendelien van Oldenborgh in conversation with Denise Ferreira da Silva

Door Between Either and Or

Poethical Readings: Intuiting the Political with Denise Ferreira da Silva and Valentina Desideri

Music Video Launch: Conspiracy by Owlboy

Towards a City Observatory: Constellations of art, collaboration and locality

Wendelien van Oldenborgh: From Left to Night