Wendelien van Oldenborgh: From Left to Night

The Showroom presents a major new commission by Wendelien van Oldenborgh and her first solo exhibition in London.
From Left to Night is an experimental film production through which a number of seemingly unconnected players, places, events, subjects and histories, drawn from The Showroom’s neighbourhood, meet. It involves five people, three locations, and the different subjects and forms of knowledge that they bring with them. These range from urban tensions – such as unresolved histories of the 2011 London riots – to music and the personal ways in which each of the protagonists relate to ideas of the political. Material gathered in a concentrated two-day shoot has been brought together in a film installation specially conceived for The Showroom.
The project developed out of the artist’s year-long engagement with The Showroom’s local area. In particular, a music video project initiated by van Oldenborgh and local hip-hop artist Reveal, performed by Owls, became an important step towards cementing relationships with some of the players in this film. Through carefully orchestrated scenarios van Oldenborgh creates situations where these elements collide and trigger new articulations and sparks of logic; generating the ‘script’ with the full involvement of the players, as filming unfolds. As with the artist’s previous works, the film explores social dynamics and behaviours, the governing systems and architectures which provoke and reinforce these, and the voice and language of the individual amidst them. In so doing van Oldenborgh reveals a reality often hidden from view in the public realm, in an attempt to understand familiar stories in a new way.
This new commission forms part of How to work together, a shared programme of contemporary art commissioning and research devised by The Showroom, Studio Voltaire and Chisenhale Gallery.
How to work together is supported by a capacity building and match funding grant from Arts Council England through Catalyst Arts, with additional funding in the second year from Bloomberg, Jerwood Charitable Foundation and the How to work together Artist Commissions Production Fund. This commission is also supported by the Mondriaan Fund and The Embassy of The Netherlands. Special thanks to: Camden Arts Centre, Lisson Gallery, Lennaart van Oldenborgh and Smadar Dreyfus, Eliot Cohen, Robert Gordon McHarg III, Sam Belinfante, Richard Whitby and all of the cast and crew.

Wendelien van Oldenborgh in conversation with Denise Ferreira da Silva

Poethical Readings: Intuiting the Political with Denise Ferreira da Silva and Valentina Desideri

Music Video Launch: Conspiracy by Owlboy
Film looking at The Showroom’s local work
Film looking at The Showroom’s local work