Emma Smith
Emma Smith has a social practice that is both research and production-based and responds to site-specific issues. Using organised events, encounters, performance and participation her work explores the psychology of place and the resonance of historical uses of site in contemporary behaviour. A key theme within her work is that of belonging and an investigation into transient connections to place; nomadism, tourism, migration and contemporary notions of mobility.
Smith works nationally and internationally including exhibitions at Grizedale Arts (2011), Wysing Arts Centre (2010), Orleans House Gallery (2008), Whitechapel Gallery (2007 and 2008) and Camden Arts Centre (2006), UK, and work in Kenya (2011), Lebanon (2010), India (2009 and 2010), China (2009 and 2010) and Mauritius (2009) on residency and research trips with Triangle Trust, The British Council, Delta Arts and The Commonwealth Foundation.
Smith is co-founder and co-director of art collective Delta Arts supporting research, practice and pedagogy through mobility and exchange. She was a resident in the ACME Fire Station residency programme (2010–2015) and an Artsadmin Bursary Artist (2010–2011).

Beyond Education
Emma Smith: Workshop and Discussion 2: Public Relations: Place Making
Emma Smith: Workshop and Discussion 2: Public Relations: Place Making
Emma Smith: Discussion 1: Public Relations: Citizenry
Emma Smith: Discussion 1: Public Relations: Citizenry
Emma Smith: Playback workshops and talk
Emma Smith: Playback workshops and talk

Survival Kit 3

Book Launch of Emma Smith’s Practice of Place

Emma Smith: Playback