
Gascia Ouzounian

Gascia Ouzounian is a sonic theorist and practitioner whose work explores the history of sound technologies; experimental music and sound art; sound and urbanism. Recent projects include Scoring the City; Acoustic Cities: London & Beirut, and the book Stereophonica: Sound and Space in Science, Technology, and the Arts (MIT Press). Ouzounian is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Music, University of Oxford, where she directs the project Sonorous Cities.

Sonorous Cities: Towards a Sonic Urbanism (SONCITIES) is a research project formed at the intersection of sound, urbanism, and critical spatial practices. The project’s aim is to better understand cities and urban life through a critical investigation of the sonic conditions of cities, and of people’s experiences of urban sound environments; to make critical and creative interventions into urban sound environments; and to support architects, designers and spatial practitioners in embracing sonic modes of urban analysis and design.

COUNTERSONICS: RADICAL SONIC IMAGINARIES, Mhamad Safa and Gascia Ouzounian in conversation was an event held At The Showroom on Tuesday 8 March 2022, 6.30-8.30pm.

This conversation was co-presented by The Showroom and Gascia Ouzounian. It forms part of the public programme for Haig Aivazian: All of your Stars are but Dust on my Shoes at The Showroom.

Countersonics: Radical Sonic Imaginaries is funded by the European Research Council, as part of the project *Sonorous Cities (grant no.: 865032).



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