sorryyoufeelcomfortable: From Africa to Future Study Day
Saturday 14 November 2015, 12–8pm
Free admission, no booking required
As part of their residency at The Showroom, join the sorryyoufeeluncomfortable (SYFU) collective for workshops, screenings, music, readings and conversations in The Chimurenga Library. An opportunity to explore and rethink the rules of sound, map psycho-geographical contours of Blackness and consider what an Afro-future might be, alongside co-curator of the exhibition Kodwo Eshun (The Otolith Collective), Ben Verghese of Chimurenga, writer and musician Leeto Thale, artist Phoebe Boswell, architect Gian Giovanni, academic Henriette Gunkel, musician Cooly G, designer/venture futurist Thandi Loewenson, and sound artists Ain Bailey and Paloma Pyip.
Part of the sorryoufeeluncomfortable residency: From Africa to Future, organised in collaboration with Agency for Agency and supported by Arts Council England Grants for the Arts.