sorryyoufeeluncomfortable residency: From Africa to Future
PASS broadcasts: Wednesday 7 – Sunday 11 October 2015, 2–3pm
Living Archive with Nadeem Din-Gabisi, Debbie Golt and Etienne Joseph: Thursday 29 October, 6.30–8.30pm
From Africa to Future Study Day: Saturday 14 November, 12–8pm
All welcome, no booking required
Please note that Oscillations Over Oceans Continued with Rabz Lansiquot & Nyasha Mangera-Lakew and Auntie Flo on 12 November has unfortunately been cancelled
In conjunction with The Chimurenga Library, the sorryyoufeeluncomfortable collective are in residence at The Showroom. SYFU are a group of thinkers, makers, and activists of mixed interests, who are focused on dismantling racist-sexist-ableist-hetero-patriarchy, among other topics, through art, conversations, exhibitions and critical writing. Throughout the PASS broadcast and The Chimurenga Library exhibition, SYFU will explore topics including cultural creolisation, women’s contributions to Pan Africanism, storytelling, music and the politics of urban diasporas under the broad title From Africa to Future.
Wednesday 7 – Sunday 11 October 2015
Daily live broadcasts on Pan African Space Station (PASS) radio
Thursday 29 October 2015
Living Archive with Nadeem Din-Gabisi, Debbie Golt and Etienne Joseph
Nadeem Din-Gabisi invites music journalist Debbie Golt from Outerglobe and archivist Etienne Joseph to share their memories through their experiences with music. The public are also invited to bring their own music and share stories about their selection, be it on CD, record, phone, tape or memory stick, and to create an archive collection for The Chimurenga Library.
Saturday 14 November 2015
From Africa to Future Study Day
Join sorryyoufeeluncomfortable in their research in The Chimurenga Library through workshops, film screenings, music, readings and conversations. The collective will be inviting thinkers, educators, makers and the public to collectively think through material in the library and to collaborate on the research for a series of posters. Learn about the material in the library with Ben Verghese of Chimurenga and writer Leeto Thale, listen to selected readings from the library and map various Afro futures with academic Henriette Gunkel.
This residency is organised in collaboration with Agency for Agency and supported by Arts Council England Grants for the Arts.
For more information and updates please email SYFU, like SYFU on Facebook, follow them on Twitter @SYFUCollective, and visit the SYFU website.