Navine G. Dossos: There Is No Alternative | Tools for Conviviality Workshops

A series of free Thursday evening creative workshops in the context of artist Navine G. Dossos’ project There Is No Alternative.

Through individual and collective exercises, the aim will be to consider together whether there are genuine alternatives to the methods of safeguarding and surveillance in society that are currently enforced through the UK government’s counter-terrorism strategies; and to imagine what these alternatives might look like. Collectively, the group will gather ideas towards ways of caring and building trust across society and develop a set of tools with which to visually communicate these.

Together with Navine G. Dossos and Mark Hurrell - who will be advising on design methods and visual communication - participants will discuss and respond to the research material that surrounds There Is No Alternative. There will be opportunities to share knowledge, experiences and understanding of the government’s Prevent strategy, spend time with the research that Navine has gathered so far; annotate, add to and generate new visual material.


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