Editorial Tables: Reciprocal Hospitalities — zine making workshop
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Part of a two-day programme of talks, workshops and performative interventions, participants were invited to gather round Editorial Tables for a morning mapping and zine-making workshop, led by co-curators Lily Hall, Yvonne Billimore and Jussi Koitela.
In the lead-up to the exhibition, the contributors and curators convened online for a series of workshops to explore connections and correlations between the materials and practices being brought together towards the show and public programme. As the Editorial Tables have taken shape intersectionally, the space has become a lively terrain through which publics are now invited to move and orientate in non-linear ways.
This workshop leans on principles of reciprocity and hospitality; sharing tools, methods and processes for making zines on the in-house Riso printer, to ‘map’ materials in the exhibition in situated, subjective ways that correspond with each participant’s interests.
Editorial Tables: Reciprocal Hospitalities is an exhibition and public programme bringing together the publishing practices of Ruth Beale, Sezgin Boynik: Rab-Rab Press, Minna Haukka & Kristin Luke: The Mobile Feminist Library, Minna Henriksson, Rose Nordin and Elham Rahmati & Vidha Saumya: NO NIIN magazine.
Editorial Tables celebrates the production and dissemination of knowledge through the act of independent, experimental and artist-led publishing, with a focus on intersecting feminist and decolonial perspectives. The project involves a range of publishing, archiving, print and distribution practices by artists, curators and art workers; bringing these into relation and dialogue in the lead-up to the realisation of the exhibition at The Showroom.
Throughout the eight-week duration of the show, a public programme bringing publics and artists together will activate matters, material and processes presented in the exhibition.
This exhibition and public programme are the first in a series of international collaborations forming the final year of Frame Contemporary Art Finland, Rehearsing Hospitalities working with The Showroom , UKS (Unge Kunstneres Samfund / Young Artists’ Society Oslo), Vera List Center for Art and Politics (New York), Finnish Cultural Institute in New York and Finnish Institute in the UK and Ireland. More details on these collaborations will be announced in January.
Rehearsing Hospitalities 2023 is part of the EU-funded project Islands of Kinship: A Collective Manual for Sustainable and Inclusive Art Institutions. The Finnish Academic and Cultural Institutes’ commissioning programme Together Again is funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation and the Wihuri Foundation. The Showroom is supported using public funding by Arts Council England.

Editorial Tables: Reciprocal Hospitalities — public programme
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Reading group
Kiila/ The Wedge: Archive-as-Artwork
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The Hundred Club at The Showroom — make a newspaper in a day
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Editorial Tables: Zine-making & Riso printing sessions

Rolling Our Own: Linocut print workshop with Minna Henriksson
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Editorial Tables: Reciprocal Hospitalities