Recetas Urbanas: The Tretzevents Self-building Workshop

This video captures moments from the Tretzevents Self-building Workshop, initiated by Recetas Urbanas at the Institut Tretzevents Waldorf-Steiner school in Catalonia, Spain, in 2013. The workshop created a new classroom for the school.
The Tretzevents educational association in Catalonia, Spain, contacted Recetas Urbanas after liaising with several local architecture studios to help build two new classrooms for their primary and secondary schools.
Their project brief included a process of collaborative self-building, and before approaching Recetas Urbanas the association hadn’t been able to find anyone to take on the project due to the lack of legal and technical support deemed necessary for the commission.
Recetas Urbanas responded by initiating a series of self-building workshops. Through the enthusiasm, energy and collective endeavour of local families, the two classrooms were eventually built. Over the summer holidays – the only time that the students, parents and teachers all had available – the community worked on processes of construction that enabled children, young people and adults to participate.
After three months the group completed eighty percent of the process. They faced uncertainties and unsupportive local authorities along the way, due to Spanish regulations and legal restrictions that challenge this form of self-built architecture. However the Tretzevents project ultimately exemplifies a safe, self-organised and creative mode of collective work. The educational and physical process of building the classrooms finally paid off, thanks to the group’s will to work together to collectively complete the project.


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[POSTPONED] Working Group 1: Right To Build – Children as Makers and Users
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Digital Digging: Recetas Urbanas’s Data Sheets
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Recetas Urbanas: Affection as Subversive Architecture – Unauthorised Entry Permitted

Recetas Urbanas: Green Mountain

Recetas Urbanas: Conviviality Room Project – Mum, when I grow up I want to build like you

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