Ricardo Basbaum: Would you like to participate in an artistic experience?
Would you like to participate in an artistic experience? is an ongoing project by Ricardo Basbaum involving the circulation of a painted steel object, a multiple with more than 20 copies, around the world. Each multiple is hosted by individuals or groups for a period of time, usually around one month, and participants make use of the object for their own experimental project, which is documented and added to the Would you like…? growing archive, nbp.pro.br.
In January 2010 The Showroom invited artists to realise their own micro works with the object, with the request that projects take place in the neighbourhood. These local interventions were presented during a Round Table Discussion on 8 April with invited specialists from the field of collaborative participatory practice.

This project is the second commission within Communal Knowledge, a pilot programme of participatory projects which is generously supported by The Paul Hamlyn Foundation and The John Lyon’s Charity.