Rachel Lowe: 18–9-59

The Showroom presents a new DVD installation by London based artist Rachel Lowe.

Initially shot on Super 8, this two-part work attempts to deconstruct its original medium. Lowe focuses on the component part of film, the single frame. By changing either their timing, or sequence she alters the continuity of the film and questions the reality of the projected image.

Through her handling of the footage, Lowe makes us aware that film is made up of a series of split second images. By making this evident she heightens the viewers relationship not only to the mechanics of film, but to the passing of time.

A publication documenting Rachel Lowe’s recent work and containing an essay by independent curator Jeremy Millar is available during the exhibition.

With thanks to VET, Gilly Booth, MJT Productions, Lise Barry, Frank and Terese Lowe, Isabel and Mike Nelson.

Publication supported by Arts Council of England.


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