Kathrin Böhm: and millions and millions and millions

Kathrin Böhm has an established reputation, producing imaginative and engaging projects for gallery and alternative spaces, as well as public projects. Böhm’s practice encompasses elements of visual and public art. Her projects aim to make a contribution to the particular context they are developed for. A two-way exchange is then created where the project develops its specific meaning in relation to the site.
In the past many of Böhm’s projects have been made in collaboration with other artists (in particular Stefan Saffer, with whom Böhm has worked since 1998), designers or architects. Böhm is specifically interested in combining fine art practice with other professions. Allowing a new appliance of art that breaks down traditional definitions of practices, and creates a space where skills and interests can meet.
Her projects include Mobile Porch (produced in collaboration with Stefan Saffer and architect Andreas Lang) for North Kensington Amenity Trust, business2business (with Stefan Saffer and designer Annette Maechtl) and cut&paste (with artist Nicoline van Harskamp) for the Pembury Estate, Hackney.
For The Showroom Kathrin Böhm created a variety of prints, posters, stencils and photographs that occupied the gallery, along with loosely arranged furniture, also made by the artist. and millions… could be described as an unfinished, room- scale collage consisting in a mix of enjoying making things, changing space and sharing visual lust.
Project supported by The Goethe Institute.