Sophie Warren, Jonathan Mosley and Can Altay: Rogue Game

Saturday 27 November 2010, 12.30pm, on the Eden House Football Pitch
Entry from 12pm via the Eden House Estate, Penfold Street (between Church Street and Broadley Street)
The Showroom is hosting the first play of Rogue Game in London. It is a collaborative project in which the form and setting of the game evolves and mutates according to its situation. Rogue Game explores the notions of territory, governing rules, negotiation and contingency through an understanding of play and spatial research.
The artists have previously exhibited the work as a proposition and an installation at Smart Project Space, Amsterdam within Coalesce: Happenstance curated by Paul O’Neill.
Rogue Game is an ongoing project devised by Sophie Warren and Jonathan Mosley in collaboration with Can Altay, presented here as part of the exhibition Can Altay: The Church Street Partners’ Gazette.
Rogue Game is supported by the University of the West of England where Jonathan Mosley is senior lecturer in Architecture.