In Madrid: ‘Taxidermy of the Future’ Project Screening and Curators Talk
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Sala Azcona, Cineteca Madrid, Spain

Taxidermy of the Future is a project curated by Bruno Leitão and Paula Nascimento bringing together works by three multimedia artists, Kiluanji Kia Henda, Grada Kilomba and Mónica de Miranda that dissect persistent spectres in both European and African societies, from Greco-Latin mythology to the postcolonial era. After the screening this event will feature a conversation with Co-Curator of the project Bruno Leitão and Elvira Dyangani Ose followed by Q&A.
Blurring the lines between history and fiction, memory and fantasy, these works are a living testimony of the narrative vitality of contemporary expression. The project also has its foundation as an exchange of references between the two curators, and the artists whose work has been essential in their research. Taxidermy of the Future was first shown as a film programme at the 6th edition of the Lubumbashi Biennale Future Genealogies, Tales From The Equatorial Line (2019) and then expanded into an exhibition shown at the National Museum of Natural History, Luanda (2020).
The Contra la Raza [Against Race] exhibition evokes futuristic imaginaries expressed through poetics of the Black experience, generating new forms of global and egalitarian humanism. This live programme invites you to meet some of the artists participating in the project. This proposal, curated by Katherine Finerty in collaboration with Raúl Muñoz de la Vega, takes as its departure point the exhibition curated by Elvira Dyangani Ose and The Showroom, London for the last edition PHotoEspaña. Join us to take part in a programme including screenings, conversations and performances, and revisit the exhibition in Nave 0 which will stay open until the end of November.
Contra la Raza [Against Race] questions how imagery in audiovisual formats communicates from a global Black and Pan-Africanist perspective. Inspired by the eponymous book by British historian Paul Gilroy, Against Race: Imagining Political Culture Beyond the Color Line (2000), the live programme of events will address the fundamental role played by decolonial and anti-racist movements in the historical and contemporary fight for human rights, appealing to our collective consciousness to advocate for the establishment of a new planetary humanism.
Taxidermy of the Future is sponsored by FAS – For Arts Sake. This screening and conversation event is possible because of their generous support.
This live programme accompanies the project Contra la Raza [Against Race] at Matadero Madrid 3 June - 28 November 2021, originally part of the framework of PHotoESPAÑA 2021 proposed by Guest Curator Elvira Dyangani Ose. This multidisciplinary initiative incorporates a video-based installation and live programme appealing to our collective consciousness to advocate for the establishment of a new planetary humanism.


In Madrid: Belinda Zhawi’s SOUTH X SOUTH EAST Performances

In Madrid: Collective Geopoetics Screening and Artists’ Talk
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Contra la Raza [Against Race] Live Programme

In Madrid: ‘Relic Traveller’ Series Screening and Online Talk with Larry Achiampong & Katherine Finerty
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Contra la Raza [Against Race], Matadero Madrid