Again, A Time Machine, Part three: Confrontational Perspectives

Tuesday 14 February 2012, 6.30–9pm
This event is free, but space is limited and booking essential.
Event programme:
7pm Marina Vishmidt
7.30pm Claire Maklouf Carter
8pm Chicks on Speed
Confrontational Perspectives, reawakens the spirit of Book Works: A Women’s Perspective (1992) in a night of beats, provocation, screening and confrontations, in order to reposition feminist art against the complacency of anodyne participation and aspirational networks.
Through a screening and discussion of current work Marina Vishmidt presents her research into embodied practices which stage a negative critique of work from a feminist perspective in the art of the past several decades and argues that the critique of womens’ labour can also evoke the critique of another kind of labour: the labour of reproducing and performing gender in a disciplinary economy of representation.
Claire Makhlouf Carter, whose work DEMO – PENFOLD STREET explores the limits and antagonisms of performance, self-immolation, social relations and stench.
The event finishes with a Chicks On Speed Performance – Lecture, A MODEST PROPOSAL featuring: Melissa Logan, Anat Ben-David, Rachael Matthews and Sonja Todd.
This event is organised as part of the project Again, A Time Machine.
Again, A Time Machine continues as:
Stewart Home
Space, London
6 April – 19 May 2012
Sarah Pierce, The Artist Talks
The Showroom, London
18 April – 8 June 2012

Again, A Time Machine, Part three: Future Orientation

Again, A Time Machine, Part three: Archival Pleasure

Again, A Time Machine: Make the Living Look Dead

Sarah Pierce: The Artist Talks
Again, A Time Machine, Part three: Future Orientation
Again, A Time Machine, Part three: Future Orientation
Again, A Time Machine, Part three: Archival Pleasure
Again, A Time Machine, Part three: Archival Pleasure