Caroline Achaintre: DEEDIE

Achaintre’s hand-tufted rugs and delicate drawings - that work with imagery drawn from a variety of different sources including the goth-metal scene - push the interface of subcultural styles and the boundaries of sculptural form.

The result is an odd tension between content and form, and sees Achaintre playing with aesthetic forms. For example, her woodcuts, a form traditionally associated with Expressionism, which communicates the intense emotional stuff of the subject matter, are thrown into stark relief by the visually seductive and light imagery of the watercolours they accompany.

For The Showroom, Achaintre presented two new major, large-scale, hand-tufted rugs - made specifically to disrupt the unusual architecture of The Showroom - alongside her gestural woodcuts and a series of subtle digital and watercolour drawings. In addition, Achaintre experimented with structural forms that supported, displayed and interacted with the work itself to echo the sense of tension and danger.


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