Manual Labours: The Complaining Body: Sarah Browne in Conversation with Saoirse Wall
6 April 2016
As part of the Manual Labours: The Complaining Body programme at The Showroom, April 2016, artist Sarah Browne discusses her new film Report to an Academy (drawing from the Kafka story of the same title), commissioned for Manual Labours, exploring the physical sensations and impacts of speech in search of new forms of articulacy and agility. Saoirse Wall’s discusses her video Sticky Encounter, which proposes a reaction to the pain of not being believed in a doctor-patient encounter.
Manual Labours: The Complaining Body is the second stage of the practice based research project Manual Labours initiated by Sophie Hope and Jenny Richards exploring people’s physical relationships to work.
Manual Labours: The Complaining Body is developed in partnership with The Showroom, London; In Certain Places, Preston and Movement and Division of Labour, Worcester, and is supported by Arts Council England’s Grants for the Arts, The Elephant Trust, The Birkbeck/Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund and Birkbeck University Widening Access.

Manual Labours: The Complaining Body, Reading Group 1

Manual Labours:The Office(less) Christmas Party

Manual Labours: Report to an Academy | Film screening and discussion

Manual Labours: Thunderous grumbling under cover of darkness | Performance workshop

Manual Labours: The Complaining Body with Sarah Browne, Hamish MacPherson and Ivor Southwood

Manual Labours: The Complaining Body, Manuals and Publications