Katherine Gibson: Diverse Economies
Online event
Wednesday 23 June 2021

How can we make the economic underpinnings of the arts more explicit?
This was an informal presentation and conversation held with Katherine Gibson, from the Community Economies Institute online and at The Showroom during Phase One of Compost. Kathrin Böhm: Turning the Heap.
Compost is a unique collaborative exhibition that explores over twenty years of artist Kathrin Böhm’s practice. For six weeks throughout June and July 2021, a cumulation of objects and methodologies filled the gallery space at The Showroom, opening up an invitation to contribute to a process of fertiliser-making: to sieve through, to assess, to archive, and to reformulate Böhm’s practice by making use of her methods of production, working one-to-one, collaboratively, and in public.
COMPOST runs for a second phase between Wednesday 15 September – Saturday 16 October; opening up a space to start drawing out fertiliser for future use, whilst dissolving the materiality of the work through swapping, buying, giving, taking and trading; enacting possibilities of queering economies discussed in the Icebergian Economies of Contemporary Art (The Centre for Plausible Economics).