Grace Ndiritu: Plant People

Communal Knowledge invited Grace Ndiruti to begin a new stage of work with their ongoing Medicinal Garden. The garden initiated by artist Uriel Orlow in 2015 as part of his exhibition at The Showroom Mafavuke’s Trial and Other Plant Stories has continued an annual cycle of collective research and work, to sow seeds, care, maintain, learn and use plant-based herbal knowledge led by Carole Wright (artist, community activist, bee-keeper and gardener).
A series of workshops and events will led by Grace will take place across the summer focusing on relationships between Plant and Human Cultures as well as the themes of Philosophy, Communities, Education, Future of Cities, Democracy & Activism.
In 2012 Ndiritu made the decision to only spend time in the city when necessary, and to otherwise live in rural, alternative communities, while expanding her research into nomadic lifestyles and training in esoteric studies such as shamanism, which she began over 16 years ago. Ndiritu’s community research so far has taken her to both Thai and Tibetan Buddhist monasteries, permaculture communities in New Zealand, forest tree dwellers in Argentina, neo-tribal festivals such the ‘Burning Man’ in Nevada, a Hare Krishna ashram and the ‘Findhorn’ New Age community in Scotland. This research into community life has so far resulted in the founding of The Ark: Center For Interdisciplinary Experimentation that took place at Les Laboratoies Aubervillers in Paris in July 2017.
In addition to this Carole Wright will lead on a weekly programme working with local residents and Penfold Community Hub - for the full programme of weekly workshops see here
Grace Ndiritu’s work includes shamanic performances, photography, painting and textiles. Her deep-rooted interest in shamanism, mysticism and Eastern meditative processes, symbolism, ecology, cultural specificities or historical injustices visually and energetically pervade her practice. Ndiritu’s work critically highlights different economic systems, ecologies, political or natural disasters, women labour, pre-historical data, ancient and present narratives, the story of Africa and powerfully activates different levels of reality.