Unite Against Dividers — Born in Flames

Film screening
Free, no booking required

A screening of Lizzie Borden’s Born in Flames as part of Unite Against Dividers, 13-15/01/2017, a weekend full of activities, debates and questions about what the arts should do after the EU referendum.

For more details on the full weekend programme see here

Born in Flames
Dir-Prod-Scr Lizzie Borden
With Honey, Jeanne Satterfield, Adele Bertei
USA 1983

New York; ten years after the most peaceful revolution that the world has ever seen. The governing Socialist party is emphasising the need for unity on the slow road to reform. However, discontent is surfacing, particularly from the women’s groups. Vigilante groups are formed to combat the rise in street violence and rape. The Women’s Army rally support in their protest against the of women’s jobs. The urgent need for widespread publicity about these and other issues drive the Women’s Army to approach two underground radio stations; the Black-run Radio Phoenix and the rival punk station Radio Regazza. Both are reluctant to be involved but give their support on the news of the death in FBI custody of a prominent Black member of the Women’s Army. Increased surveillance and arrests bring the, often fragmented, women’s groups together to work towards a common goal as events move towards an explosive climax. Born In Flames attempts to show how sexual politics and, to a lesser extent class and race can be combined when trying to effect social change. This fast-moving film looks like a cross between a documentary and science fiction. It creates a view of the future, which forces us to reflect on the present.

With thanks to Cinenova

Born In Flames (1983) is a feminist science fiction set in a near future New York. The film attempts to show how sexual politics and, to a lesser extent class and race can be combined when trying to effect social change.

“There’s always talk about unity; we need unity, unity, unity. But I always say, if you were the […] government, and […] you had guns, which would you rather see come through the door: one lion, unified, or five hundred mice? My answer is the five hundred mice can do a lot of damage.” Zella/Flo Kennedy, Born in Flames

Unite Against Dividers is organised by Keep It Complex, a group of women artists, designers and arts administrators, formed out of the Britain Is Not An Island campaign which they ran during the EU referendum. They believe that the only way to progress is collectively, but also think that this collectivity needs to be decentralised, heterogenous and complex — they are organising to galvanise 500 angry mice into action.

For more information about Keep It Complex visit www.makeitclear.eu.


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