UIQ in Love_A Love of UIQ: Between Translation and Transduction
22–23 November 2014, 2–7pm,
at no.w.here, First Floor, 316-318 Bethnal Green Road, London, E2 OAG
Places are free but limited and participants should sign up for both days. For further information please read the seeance programme.
To sign up for the seeance please e-mail [email protected] with your full name and contact number.
An opportunity to join filmmakers and artists Graeme Thomson and Silvia Maglioni for a two-day workshop or ‘seeance’ to make Félix Guattari’s unmade sci-fi film Un Amour d’UIQ exist as a collective experience, and to expand the territories of the film’s ‘body’ and its narrative trajectories.
Guattari’s script describes what happens when an invisible alien force from a parallel dimension – the Infra-quark Universe – makes contact with a group of humans and begins to desire a form (a face, a body, a language) commensurate with the world of its hosts.
As the filmmakers write, ‘In this seeance we want to consider Guattari’s screenplay as an unstable, potential entity whose coming into being has to be negotiated through an ongoing process of translation and transduction. One of our aims is to “produce” this becoming-film collectively, but without filming a single shot. Instead, the film will manifest itself through a process of contamination/contagion, by “translating” the script’s DNA into mental images that we can describe to each other and by investigating the Infra-quark Universe, its bodily limits, paradoxes and potentials through a molecular exploration of sound, language and body states. This process will also involve transposing the film’s temporality to the conditions of the present day and reimagining its context in relation to the experiences of the envisionaries and their fabulated histories or futures’.
The no.w.here seeance will be sound-recorded and fragments of it (along with those of other seeances taking place elsewhere) will be recomposed into a polyphonic soundwork for the exhibition it took forever getting ready to exist at The Showroom, London, co-curated with The Otolith Collective.
This workshop has been commissioned by The Otolith Collective and The Showroom, and produced in partnership with no.w.here. It is supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England, Fluxus, a Franco-British Fund for Contemporary Art, The Otolith Collective, The Showroom and no.w.here.


What do you mean by the?– An infinitely small talk as dinner began to break up

eRikm: ElectroA (musique électroacoustique improvisée)

Sci-fi futures and the production of subjectivities

In Search of UIQ: It took forever getting ready to exist Part 1 Screening and Discussion

Graeme Thomson and Silvia Maglioni: it took forever getting ready to exist: UIQ (the unmaking-of)
Sci-fi futures and the production of subjectivities
Sci-fi futures and the production of subjectivities