Re-Materialising Feminism

6 – 8 June 2014

Friday 6 June, 6–9pm

Saturday 7 June and Sunday 8 June, 11.30am– 5.30pm. SOLD OUT

Children Welcome.

Re-Materialising Feminism is a project concerned with curating an intergenerational range of artistic and theoretical feminist practices. The project begins as a conference/series of events, across The Showroom and the ICA. A publication documenting the project will be published by Arcadia Missa publications later in 2014.

The first part of the project, taking place at The Showroom, will feature a display of video works from the Cinenova archive, and emerging feminist artists. This will be accompanied by a conference that brings together a range of key voices, with the aim of linking historical materialist theories and feminist practices, providing a platform for an intergenerational conversation.

Part One at The Showroom is concerned with understanding key conversations within materialist feminist critique, namely the relationship between labour and gender, and the terms ‘reproduction’ and ‘abolition’. These terms will be unpacked and examined alongside notions of radical (female) subjectivities, and queer theory. Where does resistance to reproduction occur, in particular within the formation of affect? Can embodiments of failure and/or self-authoring operate as refusal of the reproductive qualities of patriarchy?

Part Two will take place at the ICA, 20 – 21 June 2014.

The selection of feminist video art will remain on display in the upstairs of The Showroom for the duration of both Parts (6 – 21 June).

Re-materialising Feminism is organised in partnership with The Showroom and the ICA

Programme Schedule:

Friday 6 June, 6pm: Re-Materialising Feminism Opening Event
Opening event with the display of feminist video work from the Cinenova archive and emerging feminist artists (on display at The Showroom throughout the Re-Materialising Feminism project, 6 – 21 June). Additionally this evening will feature a performance by Nkisi and premiere screening of video work by artist Ann Hirsch.

Saturday 7 June, 11.30am: Re-Materialising Feminism Conference Day One
Conference is structured as: introduction by each keynote speaker, keynote speakers will then lead round-table group discussion between all participants (Re-Materialising Feminism Curators, audience, and speakers), beginning as a dialogue in response to each others’ presentations.

Speakers: Marina Vishmidt and Svenja Bromberg
Moderated by Kerstin Stakemeier

Sunday 8 June, 11.30am: Re-Materialising Feminism Conference Day Two
Conference is structured as: introduction by each keynote speaker, keynote speakers will then lead round-table group discussion between all participants (Re-Materialising Feminism Curators, audience, and speakers), beginning as a dialogue in response to each others’ presentations.

Speakers: Theresa Senft and Linda Stupart
International Video message from Ann Hirsch
Moderated by Kerstin Stakemeier


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