Cristina Lina > Public Play exhibition at IOE

Exhibition Private view 4 May 6–8pm
Exhibition Open: Friday 5 – 11 May 10am–5pm (closed Sunday)
Offsite at: UCL Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London
Public Play is a collaboration with a group of school students from Paddington Academy and London based artist Cristina which investigated existing playgrounds in The Showroom’s neighbourhood and wider London to develop an understanding of what a playground can be.
The work undertaken worked to collectively design a proposition for a bespoke adventure playground for the nearby Orange Park. Public Play asks: How can we destabilise the playground? What are the conventions of a playground? How can we set in motion invitations for play across the whole of the child’s environment that open possibilities out rather than close them own?
This exhibition at the Institute of Education will present the work, maquettes and designs developed and will launch
a collectively written publication which brings together the work so far and will hopefully set in motion further projects.
Cristina Lina is an artist with a firm interest in public space. From large scale murals to go-kart races, her practice explores ways to re-appropriate spaces from the bottom up and create strong shared experiences between people. Her interest in play connects the dots between art, education, and politics and she is keen to develop her understand of this field alongside young people whose perspective and voice Lina feels is invaluable for this task. Lina is also part of the Schooling & Culture working group.